We just released a new update for the EXIOBASE 3 MRIO time-series of monetary tables: v3.8.
It is a full re-estimate of the time-series, but still relies heavily on "now-casting" economic structure (and environmental extensions).
For the SUT and IOT coefficient data the latest available source data is for 2011. As such, the data is likely good for global analysis, and country level estimates, but the uncertainty relative to official data at transaction level would be considerably higher.
The time-series extends into the future (2022), but this is based on the now-casting procedure and projections of GDP and aggregate trade of the IMF.
Most of the updates were done by Richard Wood.
Macroeconomic and trade data for recent years
Energy and energy-related emissions
Land, material and water-related data
Co-efficients for environmentally-relevant flows
Balancing algorithms
As of v3.8, the end years are: 2015 energy, 2019 CO2, 2017 all GHG, 2013 material, 2011 most others, land, water. More recent data are purely "now-casts".
Note, that there is a public (available on Zenodo) and private EXIOBASE datasets. The private dataset contains more detailed working files - we are not able to make these fully public because they contain licensed data for energy (IEA), land use and material flows (so these are aggregated in the public version). We don't have permission to release these files to users without requisite licences, and use of the data here should be undertaken only in respect to these licenses. Please contact us for access to the private version with providing evidence for the relevant licences.
v37 (June 2019)
v36 (September 2018)
The data here has different end-dates for the environmental extensions. Anything beyond the end date is an extrapolation. As of v3.5, the end year is: 2011 energy, 2015 CO2 fuel combustion, 2013 material, 2011 most others, incl methane and N20, land, water As of v3.6, the end year is: 2015 energy, 2015 CO2 fuel combustion, 2013 material, 2011 most others, incl methane and N20, land, water As of v3.7, the end year is: 2015 energy, 2016 all GHG, 2013 material, 2011 most others, land, water land extensions to 2015 are available on request soon, but not yet processed.
Constant price data has been estimated, but we are not robust enough to be released yet. Price indices for each product in the database are available.
To allow the download of specific years we uploaded the data as zip archives per year and mrio type (industry by industry: ixi, and product by product: pxp). If you need all data, we recommend the excellent zenodo_get python utility for the download.
After installing the tool, you can download the latest version with
zenodo_get 10.5281/zenodo.4277368
Previous versions are available by replacing the latest DOI with previous record numbers.
Alternatively, you can contact Richard Wood or Konstantin Stadler for access to the Box data repository.
For concordances, please see our concordance repository.
The python package pymrio can be used to directly parse the EXIOBASE 3 zip files and to calculate production and consumption based acounts.
EXIOBASE 3 was developed by the EU fp7 project DESIRE (Development of a System of Indicators for a Resource Efficient Europe, grant no.: 308552), which was the follow up of the fp6/fp7 projects EXIOPOL/CREEA (which developed EXIOBASE1 and 2, respectively). 10 partners across the EU were involved in the development.
A special issues at Journal of Industrial Ecology collects several method and application articles describing the compilation and use of EXIOBASE 3.
This also includes the main documentation of the compilation, which This corresponds to version 3.4 of the data for the time series 1995-2011.
For the now-casting description see the relevant deliverable
EXIOBASE3 workflow and classification is based on EXIOBASE2.
The final EXIOBASE2 database is available on exiobase.eu, but note that agricultural emissions are available here.
Final country specific tables of EXIOBASE2 are available here.
Source country tables of EXIOBASE2 are also available.
And please also check our main EXIOBASE 3 announcement blog post here.
In terms of data quality for more recent years please be mindful of:
Energy & emission accounts Energy and Emission accounts are based on the IEA energy balances, but are not always fully consistent with the monetary IO tables (different data sources was used in the disaggregation of the energy accounts). This does lead to some minor discrepancies in relationships between energy flows and monetary flows. Some efforts are ongoing to fix these.
Household use of energy is available in disaggregated form (by EXIOBASE product), but is auxiliary to the main MRIO dataset, as it does not fit that data structure. Similar case for fuel combustion emissions.
In terms of financing future work, we of course are reliant on funding. We are updating parts of the dataset based on individual project requirements, and providing some internal funding for co-ordination across these efforts. We are of course welcome to participate in projects that help fund these updates, either central updates or peripheral work that has benefits for both a single end-user, but also that can be rolled into future public data releases.
We are continually updating the data behind EXIOBASE with a rolling release cycle. Hence more feedback that is given, the greater the chance of improvements in future updates!
Stay tuned for announcements by subscribing to our EXIOBASE email list.
Richard Wood is a professor at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU.
November 22, 2020