
Global supply chains

MRIO data explorer and circular economy

  1. Data explorer and visualisation
  2. Multiregional input-output (MRIO) analysis is one of our group’s core strengths. Members of our team are actively involved in the development and use of global MRIO databases. Our web-based data explorer and visualisations are primarily based on output from 5 multi-regional input-output (MRIO) models: EXIOBASE, Eora, GTAP, WIOD and OECD. More background detail about the databases can be found here.

    picture:World map

  4. EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-regional Environmentally Extended Supply and Use / Input Output (MR EE SUT/IOT) database. It was developed by harmonizing and detailing SUT for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry, linking countries and industries by trade. The international input-output table that can be used for the analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the final consumption of product groups. Environmental accounts are provided in a standardised classification to facilitate the data comparability.

    We are further working on disaggregating the rest of the world regions in EXIOBASE, so that we can represent on a country level most countries in the world. The approaches for adjusting the source data also undergoing several smaller changes compared to the approach in EXIOBASE3. The first results from the new database are expected to be published in the first half of 2018.

  5. Applied analysis
  6. Our blog includes several journal papers from our research group that are based on EXIOBASE, e.g. time series of global environmental footprints the breakdown of EU regional assessment. Our group uses environmental footprint information to suggest appropriate decarbonisation and input reduction of consumption at various levels.

    Sustainable development requires exploration of not only improved efficiency in manufacturing sectors, but also explorations of a multitude of different consumption side effects. Our society relies on a variety of capital stocks and materials to serve our social needs. Such utilisation of materials couples critical resource depletion, waste generation, direct and indirect energy consumption, and environmental impacts along the supply chains.

    1. Circular economy
    2. Industrial ecology as a field was founded in order to study the circular economy. The current Circular Economy thinking promotes greater resource productivity aiming to reduce waste and avoid pollution. Achieving a Circular Economy supporting the SDGs will necessarily require simultaneous assessment of multiple material cycles across all nexus nodes. Topics of our research include technology diffusion and employment in a green economy.